الخميس، 21 نوفمبر 2013
11:21 ص

كود أنشاء لعبة بسيطة لعبة بلغة ++C

اول موضوع عن لغة البرمجة  <<<<< أنشاء لعبة بسيطة >>>> بلغة السي بلاس بلاس
قبل تعلم اساسيات اللغة التي ربما نشرحها في مواضيع القادمة على صفحة في الفيسبوك
- لعبة حجر ورقة مقص -
الكود :
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
enum objectType { ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS };
//Function prototypes
void displayRules();
objectType retrievePlay(char selection);
bool validSelection(char selection);
void convertEnum(objectType object);
objectType winningObject(objectType play1, objectType play2);
void gameResult(objectType play1, objectType play2, int& winner);
void displayResults(int gCount, int wCount1, int wCount2);
int main(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
//Step 1
int gameCount; //variable to store the number of

//games played

int winCount1; //variable to store the number of games

//won by player 1

int winCount2; //variable to store the number of games

//won by player 2
int gamewinner;

char response; //variable to get the user's response to
//play the game
char selection1;
char selection2;
objectType play1; //player1's selection
objectType play2; //player2's selection
//Initialize variables; Step 2
gameCount = 0;

winCount1 = 0;

winCount2 = 0;

displayRules(); //Step 3

cout << "Enter Y/y to play the game: "; //Step 4

cin >> response; //Step 5

cout << endl;

while (response == 'Y' || response == 'y') //Step 6


cout << "Player 1 enter your choice: "; //Step 6a

cin >> selection1; //Step 6b

cout << endl;

cout << "Player 2 enter your choice: "; //Step 6c

cin >> selection2; //Step 6d

cout << endl;

//Step 6e

if (validSelection(selection1)

&& validSelection(selection2))


play1 = retrievePlay(selection1);

play2 = retrievePlay(selection2);

gameCount++; //Step 6e.i

gameResult(play1, play2, gamewinner); //Step 6e.ii

if (gamewinner == 1) //Step 6e.iii


else if (gamewinner == 2)


}//end if

cout << "Enter Y/y to play the game: "; //Step 6f

cin >> response; //Step 6g

cout << endl;

}//end while

displayResults(gameCount, winCount1,

winCount2); //Step 7

return 0;

}//end main

void displayRules()


cout << " Welcome to the game of Rock, Paper, "

<< "and Scissors." << endl;

cout << " This is a game for two players. For each "

<< "game, each" << endl;

cout << " player selects one of the objects Rock, "

<< "Paper, or Scissors." << endl;

cout << " The rules for winning the game are: " << endl;

cout << "1. If both players select the same object, it "

<< "is a tie." << endl;

cout << "2. Rock breaks Scissors: So player who selects "

<< "Rock wins." << endl;

cout << "3. Paper covers Rock: So player who selects "

<< "Paper wins." << endl;

cout << "4. Scissors cuts Paper: So player who selects "

<< "Scissors wins." << endl << endl;

cout << "Enter R or r to select Rock, P or p to select "

<< "Paper, and S or s to select Scissors." << endl;


bool validSelection(char selection)


switch (selection)


case 'R':

case 'r':

case 'P':

case 'p':

case 'S':

case 's':

return true;


return false;



objectType retrievePlay(char selection)


objectType object;

switch (selection)


case 'R':

case 'r':

object = ROCK;


case 'P':

case 'p':

object = PAPER;


case 'S':

case 's':

object = SCISSORS;


return object;

void gameResult(objectType play1, objectType play2,

int& winner)


objectType winnerObject;

if (play1 == play2)


winner = 0;

cout << "Both players selected ";


cout << ". This game is a tie." << endl;




winnerObject = winningObject(play1, play2);

//Output each player's choice

cout << "Player 1 selected ";


cout << " and player 2 selected ";


cout << ". ";

//Decide the winner

if (play1 == winnerObject)

winner = 1;

else if (play2 == winnerObject)

winner = 2;

//Output the winner

cout << "Player " << winner << " wins this game."

<< endl;



void convertEnum(objectType object)


switch (object)


case ROCK:

cout << "Rock";


case PAPER:

cout << "Paper";



cout << "Scissors";



objectType winningObject(objectType play1, objectType play2)


if ((play1 == ROCK && play2 == SCISSORS) || (play2 == ROCK && play1 == SCISSORS))

return ROCK;

else if ((play1 == ROCK && play2 == PAPER) || (play2 == ROCK && play1 == PAPER))

return PAPER;


return SCISSORS;


void displayResults(int gCount, int wCount1, int wCount2)


cout << "The total number of plays: " << gCount

<< endl;

cout << "The number of plays won by player 1: "

<< wCount1 << endl;

cout << "The number of plays won by player 2: "

<< wCount2 << endl;


9 التعليقات:

  1. :-? مافهمت وين احط الكود :-?

  2. هنالك اخطاء برمجيه في هذا الكود كثيرة جدا
    اخي ليس المهم ظهور ما تريد على black screen
    ولكن المهم هو انك تختصر اكواد البرمجه
    بحيث ان توفر اكبر مساحه ممكنه من البيانات
    وقم بربطها بواسطة function
    بحيث انك لا تكتب اي جمله مرتين واذا اضطررت لكتلها قم باستخدام for loop

  3. أزال المؤلف هذا التعليق.

  4. الكود ما بنفذ معاي فيه خطأ واحد في في الكود الاخير والآخر في بعد الدالة مين
